I had never been to Mantova before even if it is just 2 hours far from Milan but I am sure that I will go back again...
During this week-end we are staying at the camping that is just out of the hystorical centre, after "the bridge of the mills" that crosses what I thought to be the river Mincio but it is not true. This was one of the access to the countryside, together with the Saint George Bridge. Mantova is surrounded by four different lakes in which the Mincio flows: these are the "Lake di Mezzo", "Lake Superiore" (Superior Lake), the "Lake Inferiore" (Inferior lake) and the "Paiolo Lake". Since in the past, Mantova was an island, these lakes that surrounded the city rapresented the defence system of the town itself.
During these days, there is such a beautiful atmosphere: there are a lot of events to take part to and a swarm of people; here and there you can find something interesting: so many people that stroll around to find what they like most and if you are not only interested in literature don't forget that Mantua is the craddle of the Gonzaga family with a lot of beautiful places to see and, last but not least, the cuisine.
Its origins date back to the Etruscan even if it reached its grandeur with the "Signoria dei Gonzaga", whose splendor is preserved in the Palazzo Ducale, one of the most extensive Italian holds with more than 500 sections including halls, rooms, plazas, internal courtyards and gardens.
But the city itself is full of beautiful porches, churches, balconies and facades that you can walk around looking around and observing its grandeur.
Moreover, you can delight also your taste with the typical cuisine that is a mixture of the Gonzagesh kitchen and the popular one, as a matter of fact it is called "the Kitchen of Princes and of the folk!"
The typical lunch starts with an appetizer made of exquisite salami and cold cuts, don't forget to taste the "salame mantovano". Among the first course you can find the risotto made with sausage and, the must are
Ingredients (6 people):
For the dough:
400g flour 00
4 eggs
2 teaspoons olive oil
For the filling
2kg sweet, mealy and raw pumpkin
100g amaretti cookies
100g parmesan cheese
Cut the pumpkin in great pieces and cook it in the oven. Once it is cooked, take it out from the oven and peel it. Pass the pulp into the masher till you get an homogeneous pulp. Add the crushed amarettis, the grated parmesan, the salt and the pepper. May the filling be too soft or wet (it depends on the pumpkin), just add some more cookies.
Now start preparing the pasta mixing together the flour, salt, eggs and oil. Roll out the dough in order to prepare some raviolis that don't have to be too small and let them rest one night long. The most has been done, cook them in abundant boiling water. Drain them and season them with melted butter and sage leaves, finally add some poppy seeds and enjoy them with some grated Parmesan Cheese...they are delicious but you must like sweet flavours....and I do!
Do you want to buy home made raviolis? Go to the Casa del Pane, in Via Verdi, 65 and you will find a lot of delicious plates to delight your palate.
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