Terni is a big city, not so big Like Milan or Rome but in comparison with such beautiful villages, suburbs here around, it's the so called big city. It's famous all over the world because of the presence of the Thyssenkrupp steel mills and probably it's much better to have a stop here for the spots around than for the city itself, even if the centre is really very pretty. But Terni itself is the homeland of Saint Valentine that is known all over the world as the protector of the lovers and, here, every year on the week end of 14th February, great festivities are held. Since it was acknowledged as an indipendent district, beautiful and important buildings were built: Palazzo Spada, the Bank of Italy, the Government Palais. Because of the presence of the steel mills, here and there you can find a lot of steel monuments, as for example, The Press in front of the train station or the Light lance that was designed by Arnaldo Pomodoro and rapresents on one hand the technological achievements and on the other hand the warnings towards them.
So Terni is completly different from the Northern part of this region and takes the shape of the biggest cities of the border region.
But this district comprehends also beautiful natural spots: the valley along the Nera river, Piediluco Lake, Carsulae and San Gemini that are all noteworthy.
If you want to spend a nice morning and maybe going picnic somewhere follow the directions to Carsulae, an ancient archaelogical site that dates back to 300BC even if its development was dued to the building of Via Flaminia that passed nearby and Carsulae became a rest stop and watering place for travelers, traders and soldiers. During the age of Augustus, it became an ancient municipium and major works were built such as the amphitheatre, most of the forum and the marble arch of Trajan. During its golden age Carsulae, supported by agricultural activity in the surroundings, was prosperous and wealthy and because of its bucolic setting it became destination of the Roman middle class. Not far from here you can visit San Gemini, that is in the list of one of the most beautiful Italian villages. It was an important linking point to the city of Rome and it became an important artistical, cultural and religious centre. As a matter of fact you can find some noteworthy churches and buildings. San Gemini is also well known for its water springs and you can spend a relaxing afternoon in the Park of the thermal mineral water surrounded by the Mediterranean spot where there is a health spa.
Next stop: a place you must see if you are in this part of the region, quite unknown but something so single that is a must! See you then....

Next stop: a place you must see if you are in this part of the region, quite unknown but something so single that is a must! See you then....
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